Chronique de câblages

Versiv™ Release 6,12 Saves Time, Increases Accuracy, and Reduces Retesting

Operator error in testing fiber loss are a costly problem for installers. When we launched the Versiv™ family of cable certifiers, we included several features, such as the Set Reference Wizard, which greatly reduced the number of such errors. In the spirit of continuous improvement, we’re eliminating even more with the latest Versiv software release 6,12.

14 octobre 2024

Third-Party Network Cable Certification: Ce que vous devez savoir

Reputable manufacturers promote and label cable, patch cords, and connecting hardware as “third-party certified,” “verified,” or “listed.” It means that a manufacturer has independently determined that their products comply with industry standards. What exactly do these certifications mean? How do they differ from cable certification of an installed cabling plant? Nous allons y jeter un coup d’œil.

18 septembre 2024

Insertion Loss vs. Perte par réflexion (RL)

Insertion loss and return loss are two of the most critical performance parameters for twisted pair copper and fiber optic cabling links. They represent distinct aspects of signal transmission and differ for both media types. Here we explain the key differences between these two parameters, why they matter, and how to interpret them.

14 août 2024

L'étiquetage réseau profite d’une à niveau : guide d’intégration de LinkWare Live et Silver Fox

Precision and efficiency aren’t just goals when you work in network installation and maintenance; they're necessities. As the industry evolves, so does the demand for more sophisticated, streamlined operations. Enter Silver Fox® Labeling and Fluke Networks, whose recent product integration addresses one of the most tedious and error-prone aspects of network infrastructure projects: the labeling process.

16 mai 2024

Qu’est-ce que la fibre optique ? Un guide

Streaming a movie, making a phone call, or getting an endoscopy may seem like disparate experiences, but they share a common thread: They’re connected by an invisible network of optical fibers. In this guide, we’ll take you through the ins and outs of this powerful technology. You’ll learn what fiber optics are used for, how fiber optic cables work, and the benefits they offer.

20 mars 2024

Le guide ultime pour les tests de réseaux et de câbles

In today's digitally-driven world, ensuring the integrity and efficiency of network infrastructures is paramount, whether you're running a small business or responsible for a large-scale enterprise network. This comprehensive guide to network and cable testing essentials can help professionals understand the importance of proper cable testing and network testing. We’ll also discuss the industry-leading range of Fluke testers and analyzers for Ethernet, fiber optic, and copper cables, so you can find the solution that’s best for your operation.

13 mars 2024

Cordons de raccordement torsadés par rapport aux câbles rigides : comment choisir

Both shielded and unshielded twisted-pair copper cable comes in either stranded or solid wire versions. Il existe beaucoup de points à prendre en compte pour faire un choix entre les deux, notamment les normes, l’environnement, l’application et les coûts. Let’s take a look at the differences and considerations, so you can decide whether stranded copper wire or solid copper wire cable is right for your specific installation.

6 mars 2024

Comment étendre la valeur de votre investissement Versiv™

We know that customers use our cable certification solutions for years, even decades. We took that into account when we designed the Versiv™ cable certifier. Now that forward-looking strategy is protecting long-term Versiv users.

21 décembre 2023

Quelle est la bonne façon de tester une MPTL ?

Vous venez de recevoir une spécification de tâche qui inclut des liaisons à connecteurs modulaires (MPTL), avec l’exigence que toutes les liaisons, y compris les MPTL, soient certifiées conformes aux normes TIA ou ISO. Cela signifie que le client ou le fabricant cherchera des rapports de test dont la limite de test est « MPTL ». 

22 août 2023

Selon ces entrepreneurs, sauter l’étape de certification est un jeu qui n’en vaut pas la chandelle

En effet, la certification d’un câblage réseau peut être une condition d’admissibilité à un cahier des charges ou nécessaire pour bénéficier de la garantie longue durée d’un fournisseur de câbles. Vous est-il déjà arrivé de sauter l’étape cruciale de la certification parce qu’elle ne vous paraissait tout simplement pas indispensable ?

6 juillet 2023