C9970 Change in Annual Certification Policy
2 février 2021
Product Information Notification (PIN # 06302008)
Produit : C997x Voltage Detectors
Topic: Change in Annual Certification Policy
Auteur : Erik Webb - Product Manager
Par : All users of the C997X products and procurement, safety and service personnel.
This notification provides important product information regarding our C9970 (188A) voltage detector and products that include it.
The Fluke Networks C9970 (also known as the 188A StopLite) is shipped from the factory with a “Certification” label affixed. This label documents when the voltage detector was built and tested, and it includes a “Next Certification Due” date. Fluke Networks, like CTC and Western Electric before it, made it a policy that all C9970s be re-certified annually.
Recently, customers have questioned this policy. Many observed that re-certification didn’t appear to add value. It is disruptive -- detectors must recalled from users and shipped to a service facility - and the process increases lifetime cost of ownership for the tool. They also pointed out that similar tools didn’t carry the same requirement.
Fluke Networks product management and product safety personnel agreed to investigate the issue further. We determined that a policy of requiring annual re-certification is not necessary to assure product performance over time. Visual inspection for cracks, scratches and other damage, along with self-tests documented in the User Guide, are sufficient. Therefore, Fluke Networks is eliminating the requirement for annual re-certification of the C9970 Voltage Detector. We will no longer apply certification labels on new voltage detectors in production. All detectors will continue to receive the same thorough testing in production prior to shipment.