Chronique de câblages

L’attaque des drones - 1re partie

En février, nous nous sommes posé la question à savoir si 2015 serait l’année des drones :

Six mois plus tard, la réponse semble être un « oui » retentissant. Les collisions évitées de justesse entre des avions commerciaux et des drones télécommandés continuent de faire les gros titres à un rythme alarmant.

25 août 2015

Tier 1 Testing using an OTDR on Installed Fiber Cabling?

The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) is committed, by formal consensus, to develop standards for the benefit of industry and is represented by hundreds of companies. While participating companies cooperate to develop standards, each have their commercial business interests to protect. Sometimes, these companies over-reach to meet their business goals. Fortunately, the TIA voting and balloting process works well as a means to check and balance sometimes rogue proposals.

20 août 2015



20 août 2015

Testing Installed Fiber Cabling Terminated with MPO Connectors

Several published standards describe how to perform attenuation measurements on installed fiber optic cabling. However, no standard exists that provides guidance for testing installed fiber optic cabling terminated with MPO connectors. Currently, a technical report (TR) is being drafted that provides such testing guidance.

17 août 2015

What You Need to Know About Testing BIMMF

Developed for use in data centers and enterprise network applications with a very tight loss budget, bend insensitive multimode fiber (BIMMF) is able to withstand tighter bends with substantially less signal loss than non-BIMMF.

A BIMMF design tightly confines the higher-order modes that are more likely to escape the fiber core during bending. The design achieves this by adding a specially engineered optical “trench” between the fiber core and cladding.

14 août 2015

HOML as a Source Qualification Test

TIA adopted IEC 61280-4-1, the standard defining attenuation measurements of installed multimode fiber cabling, as ANSI/TIA 526-14-C.

In IEC 61280-4-1, the encircled flux launch is defined as normative (required) for these cases and there is no intention to change requirements in the next edition:
Case 1 - 50 μm core fiber at 850 nm,
Case 2 - 50 μm core fiber at 1300 nm,
Case 3 - 62,5 μm core fiber at 850 nm,
Case 4 - 62,5 μm core fiber at 1300 nm.

10 août 2015

Revision to IEC 61280-4-1 Ed 2,0, Fibre-optic communication subsystem test procedure – Part 4-1: Installed cable plant – Multimode attenuation measurement

This primary international standard provides guidance for measurement of attenuation using power meters, light sources and OTDRs on 50/125 µm and 62,5 µm multimode fiber cabling that may include connectors, adapters and splices. Various test methods and cabling configurations are described. This report gives important information regarding upcoming changes for anyone needing to specify testing. Architects, Consultants and Engineers may use this information to learn of changes in IEC, anticipate customer concerns and gain insight to cabling testing trends.

7 août 2015

Mise à jour des normes : Les quatre A de l’harmonisation

Les normes ANSI/TIA étant un ensemble de normes nord-américaines et les normes ISO/CEI étant considérées des normes internationales, certains posent souvent la question de savoir pourquoi nous avons besoin des deux organismes, surtout si l’on prend en compte les similitudes présentes entre les deux.

Mais il y a aussi beaucoup de différences, de la terminologie à la façon d’orthographier, aux politiques et aux codes. La bonne nouvelle c’est que comme la technologie a transformé le monde au point qu’il semble que les distances ont été abolies, les organismes TIA et CEI viennent rapidement harmoniser les normes de travail.

3 août 2015

It’s Not You. It’s Your Tester

When it comes to testing your multimode optical fiber installation, inconsistent results can leave you confused and wondering if you are within your loss budget. And with today’s higher speed fiber links that require even tighter loss budgets, accuracy is more critical than ever.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. The launch condition of the light source you’re using to test has the greatest influence on your loss measurements. In other words, the wrong launch condition means the wrong measurements.

What you need is a properly controlled launch that is consistent and accurate—neither overfilled nor underfilled. Overfilled may leave you thinking you’ve gone over budget, while underfilled may leave you thinking you have room for more loss when—in fact—you do not.

21 juillet 2015

The End of Era: Saying Goodbye to DTX

Nous sommes en 2004. The hottest mobile device was the Motorola Razr flip phone, Pierce Brosnan was still able to pull off a James Bond role, Facebook was a website nobody’s parents knew about, and The Red Sox won the World Series. It was also the same year that Fluke Networks introduced the DTX CableAnalyzer.

24 juin 2015